Monday, August 13, 2012

aha! There's a name for it!

any one else suffer from this incurable malady???  Someone has finally put a name to it other than "book addiction.


  1. Nancy - Oh, now that's interesting! I didn't even know there was a name for it. Wonder if there's a support group somewhere? ;-)

  2. Good one! It is even worse in the e-world, I think, as it is so easy to download & one's shelves don't get full!

    1. I saw it on a friend's facebook page and had to borrow it. I download books and forget that I have them, so when I turn on my kindle it's like Christmas all over again!

  3. Great that there's a name for this addiction. But let's face it. It's healthy. We don't gain weight or find ourselves falling into the curb -- not less we have a huge armload of books and just keel over. It won't cause us to lose our jobs; that is, unless one stays up all night reading repeatedly and can't get up for work.
    In high school, we had triple shift. Senior year students had school from 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Never a morning person, I could not break my reading habit until 2 a.m., so I couldn't get up, so I'd be late. Thus, detention at lunch or after school in the auditorium -- but, then I'd take out a book and read. So, a no-lose for me.
    I'm looking at my TBR pile and can't add a stack of Canadian mysteries to it or it'll topple onto the floor.
    I just cancelled a book order, which was in the checkout basket at two booksellers' sites because I said to myself, "What? Are you kidding? Where will you put these books"?
    I refuse to have books on the floor -- that goes against my respect for books. And I don't want them everywhere.
    But they do creep in no matter what I do, sometimes unbeknownest to me. So I find new books in my piles. Amazing.


I don't care what you write, but do be nice about it